What’s the status of my refund?

The IRS releases federal refunds normally within 21 days of acceptance unless your return requires additional review. You may check the status of your refund at the following sites for federal and surrounding states:

I don’t have time to come into the office to have my tax return prepared. what other options do you have?

Imperial Financial Services provides various options when it comes to preparing your tax return. If you don’t have time to come to our office to sit and have a face to face appointment, we are equipped to have virtual appointments. Through our personal meeting rooms, your tax professional will video and screen share, as they go over key points on your return.

Imperial also provides drop off services. You can come by our office, have your return documents scanned into our system and given back to you. One of our professionals will review and process within 4 hours and contact you for a conference call to discuss.

Lastly, you may submit your documents here, on our website, via the Client Portal. Scan your documents in and securely submit them from the comfort of your home. We will process within 4 hours and contact you with the status. Easy right!